Tuesday, May 29, 2007

"oh boo" moment #422.672

okay, so i go out to the garage (aka: the man's place) and nancpop is whittling on an approximately 15" piece of wood.

i ask, "sooooooo, whatcha makin'?", acting extremely interested for sure.

he replies, "a propeller."

i respond, "oh."

quite awhile later, i ask, "soooooooo, what's the propeller for?"

so lovingly, he says, "so as to make your broom over there go a little faster when you go to town!"

...oh boo...


Anonymous said...

haha, thats a good one!

nanc said...

on whom, rob?

WomanHonorThyself said...


elmers brother said...

just don't end up a public service announcement nanc

nanc said...

i would NEVER wear red and white striped socks, elbro - they make my ankles look fat.

nanc said...

oh yeah - and i NEVER drink and try to navigate my broom!

so there - pffffffffffft!

Anonymous said...

Aw, did not.

happy b day brooke.

::oops wrong blog:::

Van Helsing said...

Does Shrillary have one of those on her broom?

nanc said...

hitlery should be so lucky as to have a manly man about the house, van! one concerned about her transportation needs.

bensosilly - that's quite alright.

Warren said...

Sunday, my son was going to work on a lawn tractor or a mini-chopper or something along those lines. He's talking to me while he's putting on boots and tying laces and all of the sudden he gives me a strange look and says, "Dad, I think my feet are swollen".

So I told him to put my size 10 boots up and put on his own size 11.

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha

Nanc, make sure to tell him that hickory makes the best propeller.

oh boo

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

A fifteen-inch propeller would have to spin pretty fast to carry a broom and its cargo and passengers at a respectable speed, unless the broom is traveling underwater.

But you didn't say how wide the 15 inch wood was.

Oh boo.

Eyes said...

Prop or noprop, Nancpop has his hands full.... is my guess!

The Merry Widow said...

He does Eyes, and he loves it! You know how men have this thing about "fixing" something...our Nanc is a constant "project"!
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!

After all, My precious baby sister is a spoiled brat!;-}

nanc said...

warren - so you're agreeing that i need a propeller for my broom?

beamish - it's two-by and he's going to put a big rubber band contraption on it from what he makes out of an innertube. the broom already flies - this will just make it faster.

eyes - he is so good to me...after all - he could have just bought a prop.

tmw - I AM TOO!

now, i'm going over to brownie's from some sympathy. you people...

Brooke said...

So I just need to get mine a garage?

Al-Ozarka said...

Tell him to strap a gross of bottle-rockets to the broomhandle, Nanc!

It'll get you there quicker!

nanc said...

brooke - only if you want him to build nice things for you *;[

daddio - no, that reminds me of a very scary story...

Gayle said...

ROTF! What a thoughful hubby Nancpop is. You are a lucky woman!

I think it would be a great idea to send Rosie a broom like that, only it needs to be extra large and rigged so that it will fly upside down. :)

nanc said...

don't i know it, gayle - and it isn't even my birthday!

Freedomnow said...

They say that broom riding is becoming the new surfing.

I think the propeller will keep you ahead of the trends.

nanc said...

well, fern - we ARE art of the state around here.

Anonymous said...

Well, at least I am.

Anonymous said...

...ahead of the trends!

I hate it when I forget to post the punch line.

Anonymous said...

If you knew nanc like I know nanc, oh what a girl!!! And you are very close eyes, The Merry Widow knows.....!!!

Anonymous said...

The eyes diffinately have it. If you knew nanc like I know nanc, the merry widow knows, Trust me.

macurl said...

If you knew nanc the way I know nanc, well let me tell you. You go nancpop. Need help? The eyes have it right as does the merry widow...

Anonymous said...

LOL!! That's just to funny!

Umm.... I'm not gonna have to do a Domestic Violence report later am I?... (hehe)

nanc said...

but farmer - can you use it as a weapon?

nanc said...



lawman - no, the broom never leaves marks on his backside as he's scurrying away...

The Merry Widow said...

See you found evil and I!
Welcome to, our world, it is a bit scarey, but evil will keep the bugaboos away. And I will follow up with my iron skillets!
And DO I know!


nanc said...

okay - EVERYBODY - keep it clean when ma's in the room.

annnnnnnnnd, i want to know what everybody knows that i don't!

nanc said...


no, i don't...oh boo...

Always On Watch said...

My broom needs a propeller too. Maybe that's why I've been having trouble taking off.

Kelly said...

Nanc, that is hilarious...nothing personal there...just plain funny!

nanc said...

well, kell - if these things didn't really happen to me, i'd have to make them up just to clear my head. my husband is a comedian. once he tossed a whisk broom to me and said, "stop parking your sports car where i can trip over it!"

Kelly said...

My husband is the punster. He once got a 12-sided die thrown at him for a pun during a game with friends.

It is a good thing that you also have a sense of humor...otherwise you could go mad.

Anonymous said...

I'd make a comment about thrust to weight ratio's, AoW but perhaps I'd better get out of here while I've still got my hide...

nanc said...


Warren said...


The dreaded "bock-bock" moment.

(psst, don't fall for it!)

nanc said...


nanc said...

hey warren - we're coming up on our first anniversary - should we do a campfire chat? wait a minute - YOU missed our first anniversary!


nanc said...

putcher hardhat on!

nanc said...

i am sooooooooo telling!

Warren said...

I'm sorry Nanc, It just doesn't seem like 1 year 1 month 12 days 6 hours and 45 minutes!

Warren said...


Oh and happy birthday before I forget that too!

Warren said...

Goodnight Gracie.

nanc said...

...six hours and some odd minutes...*;[

nanc said...

mornin' george.

nanc said...

i feel another "oh boo" moment coming on - oh, yes i do!

Anonymous said...

Who's there?

nanc said...

bock-bock you little whippersnapper! not knock-knock!

Graneee Sezz said...

I had to read this [and most of the comments] to 'The Pop.' Who's also very handy with all those in-the-man-place tools and stuff.

I feel a propeller coming on... LOL
