Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. ~ George Washington -
"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves." --French philosopher Bertrand de Jouvenel--
"Or in our case hyenas." --Warren / Longrange1--
Keep Hillary from singing another sour note; vote for _______ (insert whoever gets the nomination).
I know when I saw her howling the Nat'l Anthem, my dogs kept turning their heads! Then they hid, 'cause they knew I was pissed (though not at them) for Shrillary forgetting the words!
The GOP's campaign slogan:
Keep Hillary from singing another sour note; vote for _______ (insert whoever gets the nomination).
I know when I saw her howling the Nat'l Anthem, my dogs kept turning their heads! Then they hid, 'cause they knew I was pissed (though not at them) for Shrillary forgetting the words!
That photo is being really generous in the cleavage department. Hill's not that well endowed.
she's a beast, if not THE beast! and before anybody gets on me - i've been saying that for nearly 16 years.
cube - those are really her ankles.
Is that Hitlery?
Hillary only wishes she had those boobs. Speaking of boobs, where's Bill, Nancy Pelosi, Reid, (I could go on and on) heh
So where is she hiding that infamous superfluos third nipple?
I always thought she was a drag queen!
"Those are really her ankles!" ROTF! Nanc, you're great! :)
But dang, hon! I just got up! Yours is the first blog I've visited so far. That picture skeered me... now I must go wash out my eyes! LOL!
this is one woman i do not like - not one iota - not one little tittle - nyet - non!
why more people cannot see through her amazes me.
p.s. gayle - you'll be okay - just go look at a picture of this - it's a cure-all.
i'm married to his twin - only bald with a mustache...
Norman Bates,....WATCH OUUUUUUT!
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