from jan markell, at olive tree ministries to link to the full article:
Ahmadinejad, Ayatollahs, and the Apocalypse
"I have a concern: The West is not taking Iran's Ahmadinejad seriously enough. The West, including Washington, does not know that Islam is as excited--if not more excited--about the return of their "messiah" as some Christians are about ours. Iran is apocalypticaly apoplectic. Official Iranian radio has completed broadcasting a lengthy series on the imminent appearance of their messianic figure who will defeat Islam's enemies and impose Islamic Shiite rule over the entire world.
"Be joyous my heart, miracles of the Messiah will soon be here," reads a poem used to conclude the first broadcast. "The scent of breaths of the One we know comes near. Grieve not or sorrow . . . a savior will come, it is clear."
After the coming of the 12th imam, or Mahdi, "liberal democratic civilization" will be found only in history museums, stated the program. So much for the Islamic world wanting the democracy we keep offering them.
At times the statements seem to jump out of the book of Revelation. One TV program stated, "In short, when he reappears, peace, justice, and security will overcome oppression and deceit and one global government, the most perfect ever, will be established." The Mahdi will appear suddenly in Mecca. The Shiites are told that no one can know the day or hour of the Islamic messiah's return. Sound familiar?
It gets more intense. In a greeting to the world's Christians for this new year, Iranian President Ahmadinejad said he expects both Jesus and the Mahdi to return and "wipe away repression."
While some of this sounds bizarre, see it for its seriousness. Ahmadinejad's mystical preoccupation with the coming of the Mahdi is raising concerns that a nuclear-armed Republic of Iran could easily trigger the kind of global conflagration he envisions. The Iranian President sees his main mission to "pave the path for the glorious reappearance of Imam Mahdi."...
there is also a petition to the ununited nations (for all the good it will do) at aish if you'd like to stand up to this nutjob, along with a two-plus minute video - well worth your time.
Human beings have the propensity for burying their heads in the sand--until the unspeakable and unthinkable happen.
I don't think any good will come of it, but I signed the petition.
Newt Gingrich himself said in an article last week that it'll take a couple nukes going off in our own country for people to believe there really is a war on terror. Damn the masses and liberals for that. Fools that don't know history are bound to repeat it and Bush is playing the part of Chamberlain pretty well by not instigating a regime change in Iran or preparing for a full assault on Iran's nuke sites.
What Florian said.
newt may be OUR churchill.
Islam has a very different vision of Jesus.
I hope Newt runs for President so I don't have to.
fyi - blogger sucks today.
Official Iranian radio? Something they couldn't build without Western technology.
Unfortunately Western technology is aiding their quest for nuclear weapons.
Without Western technology, they wouldn't even know they were sitting on large oil reserves.
Ahmadinejad still thinks he is the 12th Imam? Will he be the head of this perfect government? This guy will be spending his eternity in hell.
Museums? Aren't these idiots responsible for destroying 1200-year-old Buddhist monuments?
Oh wait...they were the other half of this peaceful religion, the Sunnis.
blogger does suck today.
I signed the Petition; Although I don't feel any good will come from it; Since the U.N. has not even stepped up to the plate with the Darfur issue.
squeaky wheels, rob. we should not ACT defeated.
Aww now Nanc.
Nanc, you can't tell me you actually have faith in the U.N., if you do I have some great Ocean front real estate I would love to sell you in Nebraska!
Nostradumbass, the opinions of a third rate overachieving mind are uniquely grotesque.
Thank you for the illustration.
it sounds familiar because Mohammed lifted it right out of the Bible.
i left a good comment for the pluckster, but forgot to sign in to new blogger, which btw once you belong to new blogger you MUST sign in EVERYWHERE! if you don't sign in, your comment is lost.
anyway, all y'all be glad you didn't see what response didn't get posted to plucky. be very, very, glad...
having said that, if you remember otis, the town drunk, from the old "andy griffith show", you know there's a great need for comedic interjection - hence plucky. he is amusing.
...without the far right in both countries, we would all just hold hands and sing Kumbaya!
EB, Hee,hee!
anybody catch the izzie imam giving prayer on c-span at the dnc gathering just a few minutes ago?
oh yeah.
pist is all i can say!
warren, I think beamish could use your help... unless he's now beyond help...
get over to beamish' at your first opportunity - dither doesn't even begin to explain the state he's in.
beats me kuhnkat... maybe they're just two ends of the same pole. Why does the pot insist on calling the kettle black? And why is the grass always greener or browner depending upon which side of the fence you're on?
A mystery it is.
holy crappe, batman!
has the bloggerworld gone mad?
The graphics are definitely loading from multiple servers...
I find the irony delectable, like a thin layer of warm caramel over ice-cream: the biggest threat to world peace comes from third-world Islamic dictatorships seeking nuclear weapons. Behold the surprised and backpedalling nuclear peace activists! Why, thirty-years of "America is eviiilll" antics didn't prepare them for this, did it? (Of course, try to find a rational no-nuker, but I digress). Strange, how reality comes about as if predicted by those of us who know that America's enemies are the threat.
The question is, is the reality of the situation coming quickly enough?
funny how the biggest lot of them are amongst u.s..
a house divided.
KuhnKat-I'd pay to watch!!!!!!!!!
On tv though, I don't want to be physically in the area, get some of the leftista media types mixed up with them. Maybe they will learn something...I'm not holding my breath!
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!
Looks as if Long Range has now been converted to New Blogger now.
i certainly hope all went well here...
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