there is a new brand of clothing out there for your BABIES! it's called "pimpfant" wear - yup! check out this
link. then go
here to check out the pimpfant wear. this guy was on fox news today and frankly, i thought he was quite matter-of-fact in his why as to his choice of a name for his infant wear. hokey at best. defines pimp:
pimp (pĭmp)
One who finds customers for a prostitute; a procurer.
intr.v., pimped, pimp·ing, pimps.
To serve as a procurer of prostitutes. defines pimp:
[noun] someone who procures customers for whores (in England they call a pimp a ponce)
Synonyms: procurer, panderer, pander, pandar, fancy man, ponce
[verb] arrange for sexual partners for others
Synonyms: pander, procure
having worked in the criminal justice system - i also know that pimp in the prison secures a slight, blond haired, blue eyed, male for guys named "bubba".
which brings me to my points. i'm one who believes clothing makes the person.
if you work in an office, men should wear suits and women should wear dresses and/or nice pantsuits. as i've been out of the job market for awhile and have been tending to land, children and animals - tees, jeans and tennies are my mainwear, however when i go to church it's usually a dress.
a very good friend of mine for over thirty years had five children early in life and one of them was the cutest little blond/blue girl you've ever seen. i'll call her "misty". misty was a tiny thing and her mother would dress her provocatively and was perming and dying her hair by the age of seven. if you'd ask misty what she wanted to be when she grew up, she'd coyly say, "i want to be a twamp!" her mother would laugh and say, "isn't that cute?"
guess what? misty grew up to be a drug addict with three children by two different fathers and as far as i know, is still bobbing and weaving in and out of rehabs. she's been in and out of jail a number of times and no longer has custody of her children - thank God!
her mother has asked me where she could have gone wrong - i've never had the heart to tell her as she and i were estranged for a number of years for other reasons. and now she's angry with me because i told her under no circumstances to send me photos of MY sister in her coffin. she has a severe problem with honesty - giving and receiving.
questions i pose to you, the reader, is:
do your children's clothing say, "this is me!"?
do you have an overweight teenage girl in the house wearing hiphuggers and short shirts with the punchy donut roll around the waistline hanging out for all the world to see? take a photo of her and hang it on the fridge.
do you have a smartarse teenage son in the house with a cockeyed ball cap and pants you could put three of him into, and skateboard shoes that cost more than $140.00? yank his britches down in front of all his friends.
do you have a kid in the house who constantly says, "but, so and so has one and i'll just die if i don't have one tooooooooo!"? tell them to hold their breath just shy of five minutes and see what happens.
is there a kid in your house who constantly reminds you that, "so and so has this new razor flip phone and my phone is sooo outdated!"? take the phone away for awhile and give it back to them on a special occasion like h.s. graduation.
i could go on and on, but believe you get my drift - smells like gucci #3! hey, i can afford it - my kids CAN'T! GUESS WHAT? they cannot afford to dress themselves either! go figure, parents buy their kid's clothing - who has the upper hand?
if you start putting your babies in "pimpfant" wear - you are headed down a path that will not only keep you in the poorhouse, but will ultimately put you in the nuthouse! who buys the clothing for your children? are they independently wealthy? i would ask any parent to be responsible before giving in to every whim of your children.
it has been my conclusion that although i want better for my children than i had - it had NOTHING to do with material objects as i had little to nothing growing up in the way of parenting.
if you're into character building in your kids - nothing works better than a big, fat "NO"! they'll thank you for it and i'll thank you for it when i see your kids running our country with decency and in appearance. some people will say, "looks don't mean anything." i say, "liar - there is no second chance at a first impression!"