Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Doom if Saint Al loses carbs

All hail the Prophet Al. PPBUH (Peace Prize Be Upon Him.)

Mark Steyn has a few bones to pick.


nanc said...

warren - what are you doing up so late? funny, i just made a post also at curtains - a "just for fun" post.

if al loses some carbs, i suppose he'll wither away to a ton!

good to see you out and about - hope the weather is cooling off for you a little - we're finally cooling off down here - whew...

Warren said...

I think I fell asleep then woke back up.

Its cooled off a bunch and now my employer is starting to worry about not having heat.

He doesn't seem to worry about global warming too much.


elmers brother said...

mark steyn's a gem

Anonymous said...

Al Gore's not on the Atkin's diet, he's got the planet on the Atkin's diet...

Always On Watch said...


Good one!

Of course, you could have used PPUH, as in "Piss Be Upon Him."

Always On Watch said...

From the article:

A schoolkid in Ontario was complaining the other day that, whatever subject you do, you have to sit through Gore's movie: It turns up in biology class, in geography, in physics, in history, in English.

Sounds like cruel and unusual punishment to me.

Almtnman said...

Al Gore is a fruitloop!

Warren said...

Yea EB, Mark Steyn's a riot when he gets to going.

I heard him host the Laura Ingrham show a month or so ago and she has him on her program ocasionally.

He's one sharp cookie!

Warren said...

I don't believe that Al Gore is insane. I don't think that he believes the things he says.

He's like a used car salesman or just a typical politician. He will say anything to promote himself, make money or gain power and notoriety. He has no shame or conscience.

nanc said...

P = OX

B = E


H = IM

warren - you doing okay with the storm headed your way? we got it last night - tornadic and spooky - woke the entire family up and we moved downstairs. go with G-d!

Gayle said...

Excellent article by Steyn. He's got Gore pegged!

I second Nanc's comment in hoping that you are safe.

elmers brother said...

steyn's on hugh hewitt sometimes as well

Warren said...

The storms,

It was somewhat unusual. Most storms go directly through this area but there were several yesterday and one bunch went through to the East and the others to the West.

As I was going home yesterday evening I could see both storm systems and we were in an almost clear area between them. I could see the thunderheads and the lightning dancing inside them. There were tornado and sever storm warnings for the counties all around us but none here. It only rained a little last night and we needed that.

It sure did cool off a bunch. Some of the guys at work were wearing jackets.

Thank you for your concern.

In Russet Shadows said...

Off topic but important. Nanc, do you know what happened to Florian? I checked out his blog and it's one big 404.

nanc said...

warren - that's exactly how it came at us - in a somewhat "v" formation - looking like it was going to split, but it didn't - the neighborhood is somewhat of a mess.

get this - two families had reroofed within the last six months - comp shingles - THEY DIDN'T PULL THE PLASTIC BACKING OFF THE MIDDLE AND THERE ARE SHINGLES EVERYWHERE! i hear it was illegals who did the work - cheaply of course...guess their insurance companies will sort it out...

russet - ask tmw - i don't keep in touch with flo - i thought he was on y'all's prayer chain?

Warren said...

RS, Florian shut down his blog.

He said that he hadn't felt like blogging lately and his new job is taking more of his time. He should be lurking around and posting occasionally though.

Warren said...

Nanc said:

But, but, when you pull that plastic strip off the back, its all sticky!


nanc said...


Brooke said...

If Al went on Atkins, I would lmbo... Since cow farts are contributing so much to holes in the ozone.

I love the term crockumentary!