Friday, November 30, 2007

Do you still beat your wife?

The so-called CNN/YouTube Republican candidate "debate" on Wednesday night devolved into another Democrat dirty campaign opportunity.

We really can't expect any better from the likes of Anderson Cooper and CNN. (No wonder so many people call it the Clinton News Network.)

For those of you unfamiliar with the supposed format; questions were to be submitted in the YouTube Format then CNN was Supposed to pick relevant questions for the candidates from "real people". People who were impartial questioners or analysts about substantive issues.

Of those "impartial" people and analysts who represented themselves as "undecided independents":

Brig. Gen. Keith Kerr is a member of Hillary Clinton's steering committee and a gay rights activist and was flown into the "debate" at the behest of CNN.

A young woman named “Journey” questioned the candidates on abortion. On her blog ,she declares herself a John Edwards supporter. Post debate, she immediately posted a video wearing her John Edwards ‘08 T-shirt.

David Cercone of Florida asked a question seemingly on behalf of the Log Cabin Republicans. He had declared his support for Obama on an Obama ‘08 campaign blog back in July.

LeeAnn Anderson asked about lead in toys from China, (with her kids in her lap.) She is a staffer and prominent Pittsburgh union activist for the United Steelworkers, which has endorsed Edwards and is certainly no friend of the Republican Party.

Ted Faturos, who asked about ethanol subsidies, had served as an intern for Rep. Jane Harman D-Calif.

Adam Florzak, who asked about Social Security, quit his job as a welder and is working with Sen. Dick Durbin’s (D-Ill.) staff on the issue.

Mark Strauss, who urged Ron Paul to run as an independent, had publicly supported Gov. Bill Richardson in July.

I've noticed many Democrats see nothing wrong with this, (why am I not surprised.) But this got me to thinking.

If its OK for Democrats and CNN to make a farce of this debate, why can't we ask a few questions of the Democrat candidates?

Peggy Noonan
would like to see this question asked:

(Holding up a picture), this is a human fetus. Given a few more months, it will be a baby you could hold in your arms. You all say you're 'for the children.' I would ask you to look America in the eye and tell us how you can support laws to end this life. Thank you."

I would like to ask this question:

As you know, a former President was a serial adulterer and lied under oath. He also sought to destroy the reputations of the women he abused under the cover of office and his wife was was instrumental in covering up his misdeeds, indeed had been doing so for years!

What assurances can you give me that this kind of thing will not happen, in your administration, if you are elected president?

Your turn... What question would you like to ask?


nanc said...

when your parents named you after sir edmund hillary because he climbed to the top of everest, although not until AFTER you were born - do you see your parents as prophets?

warren - check this out.

lying liars and the liars who tell them...

Anonymous said...

CNN is still the Clinton News Network... but only FoxNews is biased....

Anonymous said...

My question for candidates...

For eight years the Bush Administration did NOTHING to defend their policies to the MSM. As a result, he became a lame duck shortly after his re-election in '2004 and Republicans lost the Congress in '2006.

If elected president, what would you differently to keep lying radical Leftists from driving your reputation, and those of other republicans, into the toilet bowl.

The Merry Widow said...

Since I don't see a 'real' candidate anywhere...
Do you have a backbone and/or gonads to do the right thing and kick the federal reserve out of making money decisions for this country?
How sold out are you to the globalist/elitists?
Are you prepared to declare war and put this country on a war footing? Or are you going to continue the whimpy. pussyfooting around?
When will you send the UN packing?
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!


Always On Watch said...

TMW said, When will you send the UN packing?

Not a single candidate will agree to booting the UN, IMO.

Brooke said...

Elect me and I'll do it in the first 100 hours... Unlike some current lame politicians!

Brooke said...

I think Beamish is already running with that as part of his platform, though.

In Russet Shadows said...

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "Illegal immigrants are so named because they have entered America illegally." If you disagree, will you reward people who break the law?

Jane said...
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Ducky's here said...

Tase them all, then tase the candidates.

Serious parcel of rogues.

Ducky's here said...

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "Illegal immigrants are so named because they have entered America illegally and Bush's economic policies require their presence to maintain our meager economic growth and avoid recession."

Much better question than russets aphorism.

Oh and while we are on the topic, let's all give St. Ronnie Raygun a big cheer for first managing this problem with a blanket amnesty. Republicans are such hypocrites. Tase them all.

elmers brother said...

there's a brave guy...stayed in the closet for at least 42 years

Anonymous said...

Good one Dora!!

Warren said...

Meger economic growth???

I hate to tell you Ducky but our "meger economic growth" is the envy of the entire world.

Anonymous said...

"let's all give St. Ronnie Raygun a big cheer for first managing this problem with a blanket amnesty. Republicans are such hypocrites. Tase them all.."

Another comment from a gentle, open minded liberal, or typical Ron Paul supporter? You be the judge!

Jane said...
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The Merry Widow said...

Civilized debate? Yes. Uncivilized, rude, pushy, vile, hedonistic and crude yapping? Why should he have too? He has enough(more than)to do in his life.
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!

BTW-bora, I can deal with you too.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

My official position on the United Nations is that it and the building that houses it should be demolished.

I'm rather ambivalent on warning the people inside first.

Jane said...
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(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Okay, my questions:

"None of the Democratic candidates will participate in a Fox News sponsored debate because Ann Coulter, who is not a Fox employee, quite understandably called John Edwards a faggot. Is the opportunity to defend your positions and views in front of Brit Hume and America's largest network news audience really more treacherous than facing down Ahmadinejad?"

"Senator Clinton, why should anyone consider the accomplishments of your husband in the White House, besides the scandalous ones, as YOUR accomplishments?"

"Senator Obama, why are you here? Seriously. Why?"

"Senator Edwards, do you use mascara?"

"Senator Kucinich, klaatu berada nictu?"

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Rep Kucinich... whatever.

"When John Kerry was nominated as the Democrat candidate for President, the media fell all over itself to declare that Barack Obama would make a great Presidential candidate in 2008. How will you as a party stop the media from anticipating your loss in this coming election by touting another speaker at your convention as a 'great candidate'? If John Kerry had won the 2004 election and was President now, would you seek the Democratic nomination against his 2nd term? why or why not?"

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


But they did handle it. Every candidate answered or attempted to answer the questions posed to them. Even after it became clear the pretenses of the debate format had fallen off for the mendacity of CNN to be apparent.

Wouldn't your question have a scintilla of merit if the Democrat candidates didn't piddle themselves in abject fear of having to answer questions posed by Chris Wallace?

It's going to be damned hilarious when the Republican candidate is making fun of the Democrat candidates fear of debating anytime, anywhere.

Damned hilarious.

nanc said...

the repubs were quite gracious, even after finding out they'd been duped by the clinton news network - which says more for the dhimmicrats who WON'T even face brit hume!

Jane said...
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elmers brother said...

have the dems mentioned al Queda once in the debate? and if so do they intend on doing anything more than hold more meetings to decide what to do?

what if their power point isn't right?

imagine the horror

elmers brother said...

Dennis Prager on the debates 11/20/07:

Hillary Clinton (discussing Pakistan) on the link between democracy in an Islamic country and American security: "There's absolutely a connection between a democratic regime and heightened security for the United States."

Isn't that precisely what President Bush has been saying for years about Iraq? And isn't that idea exactly what Democrats have held in contempt?

Obama on America teaching Muslims to love or to hate America: "We're not just going to lead militarily; we're going to lead by building schools in the Middle East that teach math and science instead of hatred of Americans."

Yet he thinks Bush is out of touch with reality?

It is also important to note that as in every previous Democratic debate, not one candidate mentioned "jihadist" or "Islamic" or "Islamist" terror.

Jane said...
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elmers brother said...

I didn't block have to fill in the blanks correctly dear....

it's a bloghi quirk

try again

elmers brother said...

I guess you'll have to take that up with Dennis Prager then won't you

Jane said...
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elmers brother said...

btw dora I wasn't even responding to you

Jane said...
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elmers brother said...

actually I looked up the transcripts from the April 27 June 3 and July 27, October 30 debate they didn't use any of the words you listed either

Did they mention them before this last debate? How many debates should they have before mentioning who our enemies are?

I'm still searching the other transcipts

elmers brother said...

August 9th....still no

Jane said...
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elmers brother said...

sorry wrong link for the April 07 one

elmers brother said...

I did a word that all there was????

elmers brother said...

is Colbert a journalist?

just curious

Jane said...
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elmers brother said...

I like Hillary's plan she reiterated the fact that she supported the President...that ought to go over good with her constituents

Did you see the other video of's said he fabricates his videos

Jane said...
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elmers brother said...

wow...there were two instances where they used the terms in all the transcripts provided...without discussing what they'd do about it and I'm supposed to be impressed?

I'd expect there to be a lot more than the casual I supported the president when he went after the Taliban.....don't you?

Jane said...
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elmers brother said...

ok once

elmers brother said...

when did dodd use it again?

elmers brother said...

that is in which debate?

elmers brother said...

that is was it before or after nov 20th?

BTW do you think once is enough?

elmers brother said... will the Reps deal with al Qaida sleeper cell

how will the dems if they fail to make notice of who we're fighting?

Jane said...
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Jane said...
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Jane said...
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elmers brother said...

I'm not blocking you's a quirk in bloghi...none of my friends have a problem.

and because they use a term once in a debate isn't convincing enough

using terms like al quaida and resurgent taliban implies that the struggle is not worldwide but confined to Iraq and Afghanistan

Pragers reasoning I believe was putting the two words together

"Islamic + terrorists" or "Islamist + terror"

I think its important for the Dems to recognize and use terms that denote the worldwide conflict in places such as

Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines etc.

elmers brother said...

well it's not "more" strategic to employ a bunch of lawyers and try them in court

it's like shooting at a charging rhino with a spit wad

elmers brother said...

whoa whoa whoa bombing the *uck out of someone can be strategic don't you think?

Jane said...
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elmers brother said...

why shouldn't they? I think they're afraid to use the words...

so it's a matter of whether you or your fellow lawyers have work or not...

yes really

while the court is one tactic..use the military and the court in tandem

I believe this is what we are military parlance it means bringing ALL your weapons to bear

elmers brother said...

you're a big fan of precision...

most people call this legalistic which is why you're studying to become a lawyer

Anonymous said...

Look, CNN has always, and always will stand for the COMMUNIST NEWS NETWORK, OK????

Also, I realise hat these guys are in the primaries, but, those are STILL questions that they should be able to rationally answer.

Now, CNN's inability to correctly identify these LEFTARD AGENTS to the audience IS the real issue here and they should be hammered about it.

Finally, what the H... did anyone expect from the MSM LEFTARDS???


Ducktard, what is a "hypocrite??"

Dora, Why do you want the terrorists to win?? Or, do you just want them to win enough to show how stupid Bush is. The guy who is sooooo stupid that he won the presidency twice over sterling Upstanding Democratic Amurrricans like Mr. Ketchup and Inconvenient Reality???



nanc said...

is this a welcome back, a nony mouse?

i hope so - you've been missed.

Always On Watch said...

Ooooh! "Anonymous" has visited here too.


Eyes said...

I would ask Obama why a fatwah hasn't been issued on him. His dad was a muslim, which means Obama is a muslim. There's no fatwah because they know he's just pretending conversion - can't remember what that's called - convenient untruths are acceptable.

Brooke said...

There is no fatwa because Islamists know that the best thing in the world for them is a Democrat in office. You can bet yer butt that if Obama had an (R) after his name, there would be many fatawa.

Jane said...
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John Brown said...
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John Brown said...
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Anonymous said...

...because endless war and revolution is always better than forgiveness and peace, right brownstain? Why don't you

Your act only works appeals to idiots and pseudostinians.